Posted by Outer Banks Blue

Thumbs up to our OBX Family Vacation

This week's Memory Monday Photo submission comes to us from Tanya Reimer of Beamsville, Ontario, Canada who recently stayed with Outer Banks Blue at the property "Beach House on The Moon" in Duck. Tanya shares this photo which symbolizes the feeling of the entire Outer Banks Blue staff today....."Thumbs up! Summer is here!" Today, Memorial Day, marks the official start of the summer season here on the Outer Banks. Our roads are a bit busier, the beach has a few more people laying on it today, and the sun seems to be just a little bit hotter. Even though we still have a few days left in May we are all in a summer mind set here on the Outer Banks, and we look forward to seeing you here soon! As Tanya would say "Thumbs up" for an Outer Banks Blue vacation! All the best from the beach!

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