Outer Banks Beach Nourishment

What is beach nourishment?

You may have heard beach nourishment referred to as beach replenishment, beach re-nourishment, beach restoration, sand replenishment, sand pumping, dredging, etc. Beach nourishment involves the dredging and placement of large amounts of sand from offshore sand sources. The sand is placed according to an engineered plan with specific criteria for a built beach and storm protection.

How will beach nourishment affect my visit to the Outer Banks?

Depending upon the location of the operations, you may experience some construction noise, night illumination, and beach access diversions. A section of the beach might be shut down for 4 to 6 days to ensure public safety. Vacationers staying in areas impacted by beach nourishment projects may be required to walk, drive, or ride a bike to a beach access that is further from their home.

Detailed sand pumping location information will be available on the progress map located at MoreBeachtoLove.com, which will be updated during construction. Please be patient with our much-needed projects - beach nourishment is vital to our future.

How can I get the most current information on where the sand pumping is taking place?

Visit MoreBeachToLove.com for updated information, including interactive maps that indicate where work has been completed and where it is currently taking place.

*These are preliminary schedules and may change due to weather.

Will I be able to get to the beach while the project is underway?

Yes! If construction limits access directly in front of your property, you may need to enter the beach at an alternate beach access.

Sand ramps will be placed over a temporary pipeline at every public access and then in intervals of 300 feet, allowing people to get across and enjoy the beach seaward of the pipeline. There will be a wide beach after nourishment, giving people large areas seaward of the pipeline to enjoy. The newly built beach may be a bit darker than the old beach, but it will quickly bleach out from the sun.

Or, you may take the opportunity to visit beaches throughout Dare County which offer public access outside of the immediate project area or visit one of the many attractions located on the Outer Banks such as the Wright Brothers Memorial, Jockey's Ridge State Park, the Duck Boardwalk, or lighthouses found along our coastline.

Is construction noisy?

You will be able to tell if construction operations are underway in front of your property. The sounds you will typically hear are the backing-up alarms from bulldozers and trucks, which are required by federal law. Lights will be used on the beach throughout the night and might be visible from homes.

Why do they work in the summer?

The summer and early fall are the safest times to perform the work. Frequent late fall, winter, and early spring storms make working off our shore very dangerous.

Will they pump sand onto the beach in more than one place at a time?

Because we have such a short weather window in which to complete the project, there may be more than one section of the beach affected at a time.

How long will construction affect my property?

About 1,000 feet of the beach will be directly impacted during construction at any one time. Construction is anticipated to impact properties between 4 to 6 days.

Do they work certain days of the week or certain hours of the day?

The contractors will work 24/7 until the project is complete, depending on conditions.

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