The Outer Banks has been a popular vacation destination foryears. The obvious keepsakes from a beach vacation are pictures of the sunrise,some pretty seashells or sea glass, or the ever-popular Outer Banks t-shirt.But if you're looking for something a bit different to seek out as a souvenir, thenthis is the post for you!
Try My Nuts

The name is comical but have to try thesenuts. The Try My Nuts Nut Company has handmade gourmet chocolates, peanutbrittle, and a wide variety of pecans, peanuts, cashews, and more. Aside fromthe actual product, this store has some awesome souvenirs. If you love a goodhumorous t-shirt, this is the gift shop for you. They have men's and women'sshirts, can and bottle koozies, drinkware, bumper stickers, novelty coffeepods, and more. There's something for everybody in your group at Try My Nutsand something for you to bring back home for your friends too.
Kill Devil Rum
If you're looking for a piece of the Outer Banks with astory, check out Outer Banks Distilling in Manteo. Their Kill Devil Rum isnamed after the local town and the rum found in shipwrecks along the coast.
A brief history: The first known reference to rum is fromthe 1650's in Barbados where it was commonly referred to as "kill-devil" andrumbullion. The town's name is believed to have come from either barrels of rumwith the brand name "Kill Devil" that washed ashore after over 1,000 shipwrecksalong the coast or for a rum that was "strong enough to kill the devil" andhidden in the dunes.
History aside, Outer Banks Distilling has some coolmemorabilia options in their store. There's the usual hats and shirts, but alsostickers, koozies, flasks, posters, flags, and drinkware. Then there is ofcourse, the rum. While you can find Kill Devil Rum in some ABC storesthroughout North Carolina and Virginia, I personally think it's much cooler tograb a bottle straight from the distillery! Swing by and grab the SolspiceSeries (only released twice per year) with diverse ingredients including fig,cinnamon, orange blossom, and honey.
Bob's Grill

Bob's Grill has delicious, fresh foot with the laid-backOuter Banks atmosphere visitors and locals both love. While the food is great,you can't take it home from vacation with you. The thing that makes this KDHrestaurant a go-to spot for Outer Banks souvenirs is their famous slogan... "Eatand Get the Hell Out". According totheir website, this slogan came to be during busy lunchtimes as founder, BobMcCoy would move through the crowds (lovingly) encouraging locals to keep itmoving so he could seat waiting customers; so stop by, grab some hot cakes andeggs, and get proof that you did "Eat and Get the Hell Out" at Bob's Grill!
Dirty Dick's Crab House

Another comedic Outer Banks souvenir destination is DirtyDick's Crab House. According to founder, Ken Hersey, while on vacation in theOuter Banks he had the idea to open a crab house in the OBX when he found ithard to find a local market for them. He told his friend, Dick, 'Wouldn't it befunny to open a crab house and call it Dirty Dick's Crab House?' I sat on thatidea for 25 years." And thus...a legendary concept was born. Despite therisqué name, this restaurant is a great family friendly place to enjoy a greatmeal. The billboards and t-shirts are definitely eye-catching with their nowwidely known phrase, "I got my crabs from Dirty Dick's".
First in Flight
The story of the Wright brother's first flight is one that localshold in high regards here on the Outer Banks. If you get a chance to stop bythe monument, I highly recommend it! While you're at it, check out all of the"First Flight" memorabilia in the park store. There are pins, books, stamps,ornaments and more.
OBX Sticker

You might think this is too easy of a find to be on a scavenger hunt...and you may be right. However, this is one of those souvenirs that is just a must have. There is such a wide variety of stickers you could make them a scavenger hunt of their own. If you're up for the challenge, here are just some of the types of stickers to look for on your next Outer Banks vacation. For an extra special touch, you could keep one per person in your group and have everyone write their favorite part of the trip on the back before you head home.
While you're out and about gathering these fun and uniquesouvenirs, don't forget to stop and take it all in. Search the beach for someshells or sea glass, take photos of all the lighthouses and piers, and ofcourse, make lifelong memories with your family and friends.