Farewell Susan.Last week the Outer Banks Blue family got some very sad news. We learned that our first accounting employee passed away last week due to complications from Cancer. She suffered a stroke recently and only at that time did they discover that she had late stage colon cancer.Susan was the 3rd employee hired by Outer Banks Blue back in September of 2005. To this day I'm still not clear if there was actually ever a job offer ever extended to Susan, but it was understood that she would be coming to work for the company and she would be taking care of the finances of the company. She was meticulous in her daily duties, and she set the course of the company on a proper setting from the start.While she was a consummate bean counter, Susan loved all kinds of animals. All you had to do was introduce her to your pet, and you had a friend. She enjoyed life to the highest degree. She vacationed in the islands, she laughed a lot, and she loved being a part of our little company on the Outer Banks.
Pictured here with Blue's original rental Manager Patrick Parker, Susan enjoyed giving back to the community whenever she could, and ringing the bell for the Salvation Army at the Kitty Hawk Wal Mart was one of her favorite ways to help. We started ringing the bell as a company in 2007 when Susan and Patrick volunteered to represent the company in this effort. Today we involve more than 32 of our employees in this annual efffort, and we volunteer to take the bell ringing duties for three full days.This year we will ring the bell a little louder and with a bit more purpose as we dedicate our efforts to our friend and co-worker Susan.She is survived by her husband of more than 30 years, Gary as well as her daughter, son, and grandchildren.All are devastated by their loss, as is her family at Outer Banks Blue.Take care of yourself, live life to the maximum, and don't forget to give back!All the best!